Kylii Kids Blog - Leisure for kids & Family friendly experiences

Opening an indoor play area: administrative procedures

Written by Kylii Kids | Aug 29, 2023 10:00:21 AM

At Kylii Kids, we understand that leisure is a serious business. That's because creating an indoor play area where toddlers can have fun in complete carefree safety requires the support of a specialist.
As the leader in interactive play areas and games for children, we provide our customers with all the information they need to know before opening their indoor structure. This includes an essential part: the administrative procedures. It's not child's play... but the specifications we've drawn up for you should make the task easier.

Step 1: Solid market research

However great it may seem on paper, you need to check that your play area project is viable. Identify the market in which your structure will be established. Does your play area meet the needs of potential customers? What is their profile? When will your target audience bring their children to play with you? Who are your competitors in the same sector?

Ask yourself these questions as you draw up your specifications, step by step. Then ask them to parents, in the form of an interview: "Would you like a play area for your children to open in your town?", "What time slots will be most convenient for you?", "Would you like the play area to organise special events (birthdays, tea parties...)?". Even if nothing is too good for their offspring, ask them what prices would be affordable for their leisure budget.
But all these parameters will depend on the geographical location of your play area.

Step 2: The outdoor location of your indoor area

To find the ideal location for your play area, you need to assess the catchment area. This is the catchment area from which your premises will benefit. In other words, it's best to avoid areas that are deserted or occupied by a competing park. Choose a shopping area where parents will take their children to play after they've done their shopping. And they'll be able to relax with a coffee or a snack while their little ones enjoy themselves.

Step 3: Work out the figures!

To come up with a coherent project, draw up a provisional budget for your play area, as close as possible to the euros you are going to spend and receive.

In the expenditure column, enter the purchase of play structures, fittings and operating costs (rent, salaries). In the income column, you'll enter admissions, catering and the organisation of special events such as birthdays.
Creating a play area requires a budget of between €200,000 and €300,000 (excluding the purchase of property).

Step 4: The bank

Reality doesn't work - alas! - like the treasure hunt that Kylii Kids has made its flagship game: once you've got your provisional budget, you'll need to get your banker's approval.

Your banker will ask you for a 10% down payment. The more accurate your budget forecast and the more in line your project is with it, the more likely your application will be accepted.

Don't forget to emphasise the attractiveness of your concept. And show that the creation of a play area meets the needs of families.

Step 5: The status of your organisation

You can set up your own play area by joining a franchise, or by remaining independent. Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each. Some franchises already exist in France, so find out how they work.
But even if you opt for independent management, it's advisable to get support for this collective adventure, just like the games you offer. Think about joining professional associations such as the IAAPA on an international level.

Stage 6: Control and standards

If you had to retain just one paragraph from this article, it would be this one: the obligation to provide a control office and safety maintenance for your playground.
An indoor play area must comply with European and French standards, known as EN 1176 and EN 1177. These standards govern all collective facilities open to children under the age of 14.

In practical terms, what are these rules? First of all, make sure that the two standards correspond to the age of the children you are going to be accommodating. Next, check that you have enough space to guarantee a perfectly safe installation. Finally, make sure that the materials and surfaces used in your play area are safe (flammable materials are a no-no). And make sure that the compulsory surface area to reduce falls is respected, as soon as your equipment exceeds 0.6m.

Step 7: The right suppliers

The safety of your park means that you need to choose your suppliers carefully, for the play experiences you want to install. There's no room for error when you call on Kylii Kids: our expertise in digital play spaces and games for children is well established. From virtual reality to augmented reality, we develop the magic of new technologies with the same serious but friendly spirit that drives us.

Step 8: Layout

Once you've completed the "standards" part of your specifications, you can move on to a more fun, but no less serious phase: designing your play area.

For this stage, let your childlike spirit inspire you: theme, colours, equipment... anything goes! As long as you comply with the standards discussed in the previous step.

Think about the children who will be playing here. Not just in terms of safety, of course. But also in terms of the joy and dreams you want to give them. In addition to the basic activities, think of extra activities that add real value. Whether it's a catering area or interactive play experiences, these are among the most fun activities for your young audience.

You can also opt for directly integrated experiences, like the Kylii Kids treasure hunt. We place interactive boxes in your tubular structure, which the children beep to climb the leaderboard. This game offers a captivating challenge. And it's an attraction that will push your park up the indoor playground rankings too.

A final word of advice...

When creating a play area, you'll be dealing with two equally demanding customers: children, who don't compromise on their taste in play. And parents, who won't compromise on their children's safety. We're going to have to win them over too. With games that will make their children happy, while awakening their intelligence.

As we said at the outset, children's play is a serious business. And a subtle one at that: to create a play area, you need to be rigorous, while retaining your childlike freshness. But it's also an extraordinary adventure, an exhilarating challenge, which Kylii Kids will guide you through.